Amazon my orders details
Amazon my orders details


Usually packages arrive on or shortly after the estimated delivery date. If the estimated delivery date for your package has passed and your tracking information hasn't changed, please allow an additional day or two for the package to be delivered.


If Amazon tracking information is not available this may be due to the timing of tracking-database updates by the carrier, the sophistication of a particular carrier's tracking system, or the lack of full integration into Amazon's tracking systems. After three attempts, the package will be returned to Amazon. Packages that contain more than $1300 of merchandise will always require a signature otherwise, it is generally up to the driver's discretion to determine whether a signature is required. Most of Amazon's carriers make three attempts to deliver a package. If a recipient is not expecting a package, they may refuse it if they believe it was sent to them in error. Your package may be returned to Amazon if the carrier can't access the delivery location due to no access code, call box number, or buzzer information, and can't obtain the information after multiple attempts. If a package is damaged on its way to you, the shipper may return it to us without attempting delivery. Your package may be returned to Amazon if there is no safe place to leave the package at the point of delivery, where the package is safe from weather and is not visible to passersby. Box, and that orders can ship to you via means other than the U.S. This will ensure that your address is not mistaken to be a P.O.

amazon my orders details

Also, if you're a private mailbox holder (use a local commercial mail receiving agency), do not use "Box" for your mailbox number, instead use # or PMB. To ensure that such packages are routed through the proper carriers, please enter the box number as "PO BOX" followed by the number. If a post office box address was entered in a format Amazon system does not recognize, the package may be shipped through a carrier that cannot deliver to a post office box. Box and must be shipped to a street address. When the carrier returns an undeliverable package to Amazon, you will be issued a full refund (including shipping charges). Occasionally packages are returned to Amazon as undeliverable. If you still need help tracking your order, please contact us. This information is also displayed on the basket and checkout pages. If you placed an order for a machine that displayed the following message on the product page at time of purchase, then please add the appropriate amount of business days to determine when you will receive your order.

amazon my orders details

Please note that if your order includes tools, spare parts, accessories, and/or other promotional gifts, they will ship separately and be delivered within 5-7 business days.


We will update your account’s order history page as soon the details become available. Once logged in, select “My details” and then “My order history” from the top navigation drop down. If you placed your order while signed into your My Dyson web account, you can check the status of your order by logging into your account here.

amazon my orders details

When you place an order, it may take 1-2 business days to process before you receive an email with tracking information.

Amazon my orders details